Why Businesses go for Laravel Framework? What are its Key Benefits?

Laravel framework is a highly appreciated platform for custom software development. It is mainly used for crafting enterprise-level applications. This framework gives the right tools to help build custom, stable, and easy to maintain web applications.  Let’s discuss the reason for businesses to choose the Laravel framework.

Introducing Laravel

Laravel is highly-preferred open-source PHP- based web platform. It is used to make complex web development processes simpler, easier, and less time-consuming. It offers impressive and elegant syntax.

This PHP-based framework can simplify the redundant tasks of web development like routing, caching, and authentication. But why businesses prefer this platform for development processes?

Let’s have a deep dig to understand why Laravel has become the most preferred framework for so many businesses.

Why Businesses choose Laravel for enterprise applications?

There are many reasons behind Laravel being tremendously popular among the developers for developing enterprise applications. Let’s discuss the most key ones:

Key benefits of Laravel Framework

Laravel benefit #1: Pre-built components

The availability of pre-built components makes the Laravel framework popular for developing enterprise applications. Features like Artisan command-line tool, the MCV architecture, or object-oriented libraries help the programmers to develop solid websites faster. Even its 3rd party integration features with testing, iron.io, rapid API make the development process easier and cut down the cost.

Laravel benefit #2: High security

According to one report of Positive Technology most of the web applications have at least one vulnerability and this vulnerability constitutes 85% of the threats faced by web applications. It means it is hard for the developers to program 100% safe website with any framework, but Laravel is different from other frameworks. The development community of Laravel consistently keeps on releasing security patches due to which this framework offer optimized security.

Even it has built-in protection features like security against cross-site scripting, cross-site request forgeries, SQL injections that maximize the security level of web applications.

Laravel benefit #3: Strong developer community

The popularity of any framework relies on the developer community around it. Developer communities play an active role in solving issues and publishing use cases for any platform, fixing bugs and optimizing the web development platform. Even these communities work as the torchbearer for the beginners to get started with any framework.

In the case of Laravel, there is a strong developer community working around it. So even if there is any complex enterprise project then programmers can get assistance from this strong developer’s community.

Business and Industries that prefer the Laravel Framework

Businesses that need Enterprise-Level Applications

Apart from bank there are several Businesses like entertainment, healthcare, e-commerce, and more involve heavy traffic, data processing, and complexities. Only Laravel can handle their complexities like event broadcasting, service container, and baked-in queue systems so such businesses choose only Laravel framework.

Businesses that Involve Backend Data Management

Laravel framework is used for development of websites, content-based applications, CRM platforms as it offers two solid approaches (Integration with the existing content management system, and scalability) to develop these web applications.

Bottom line

Laravel is considered an ideal solution for most of the business due to its unique features and advantages offered. If you also want to reap more benefits from your business website then Laravel is your key to unlock your business growth.

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