The Evolutionary Journey of Web Development Over the Years

We have witnessed great revolutions in the world of web development. These days developers leave no stone unturned to make the websites user-friendly and responsive. It has become possible only due to changes in the field of web development over the decade. 

Even there will be nothing wrong in saying that the evolutionary journey of website development is directly connected with the history of the world of the internet. Over time, surprising changes have been seen in the field of web design and development. In earlier days’ websites used to be more text-based and little interactive but these days’ websites are more visually appealing and interactive. Thus it is obvious to become curious to know about the surprising journey of web development over the last few years. Let’s have a look at ways web development has changed over the last few years.

The great Google

It would be hard to find a person who has not used Google services at least once. Surfing the web without a mountain view search engine will be more like driving a car without navigation. Google leads you to a particular website or information for which you are seeking. 

I hope not all of us remembered the searching via Onet (Polish web portal) as it was the time when the search was launched. Now more than 80% of worldwide searches are done via Google. So Google is the paramount revolution in the field of web development.

Introduction of JavaScript

Modern web development is completely invaded by JavaScript. It has pumped a new life into website development. In the earlier years’ computers were not powerful to support JavaScript so it happens generally that websites get freeze while accessing. Thanks to the introduction of this revolutionary JavaScript, users could enjoy all graphics, photo slideshows and many more dynamic changes in the web pages.


It is the technology due to which developers could deliver expressive content, specific applications and video to the web traffic. It means Adobe flash is a great evolution in the field of web development but over the years this powerful technology got old. These days we can watch various videos and even can browse animated websites with supplementary music. However, this technology has changed the websites from static text to dynamic and responsive medium for the users.


FrontPage worked as an editor and was the part of MS office. If you have ever used Adobe Dreamviewer then you must be aware of FrontPage. It was a great tool to do some adventure with web development. With some clicks on succeeding elements, users could create codes with FrontPage. 

But now users have so many editors to use like Notepad ++, sublime, Eclipse and so on. It has made easy for the developers to use development tools that are in the browser. So it is also a great achievement added in the field of web development.

Internet world

Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine the world without the internet world. These days for the ease of living, it is important to have constant access to the internet. Earlier this internet was available only in the form of WAP pages. Those WAP pages were neither user-friendly nor compatible. Before the WAP pages, users need to visit internet cafes with Floppy disks to save their data as these were no USB memory sticks. But those all days had gone as now the users have constant access to the internet even on their handsets and they can easily save and transfer their data through the web drivers.

Thus the internet is the most important and biggest evolution in the journey of web development. 

Web 2.0 

Some of us even do not aware of this concept. So let me remember you all Web 2.0 was the concept associated with the dynamic pages due to which users can interact with the web pages. Now the new technologies like Ajax or Soap can easily transform the websites into the responsive mediums for the users. Due to these technologies, websites get more popular and interactive. 


There will be nothing wrong in saying that PHP combined with MySQL used to be a clear leader in the Back-end development. However, these days many changes have occurred that speak about the changing dynamics of this industry. These days Python and MongoDB are getting popular among the developers. 

These days’ popularity of JavaScript Frameworks is also increasing. If any user wants to have an admin panel on-site, then it is possible with the login script in JavaScript. Even for the ease of understanding, it enables the developer to store the password as pure text in the source code while creating the admin panel. Even the journey of web development has not ended yet as revolutions like CMS, jPortal, PHP Nuke and PHP Fusion are also in the pipeline to mention. These revolutions have altered the web development field completely. 

The growing importance of UX

Growth of UX is the worldwide accepted evolution of the web development field. In the earlier days while development considering user experience (UX) was not much important but these days its importance is skyrocketed. 

Nowadays significance of UX is the prime factor to consider while building websites as it can make or break any web app or site. These days users’ expectations are kept on priority to make the web app user-friendly and more responsive. 

Bottom line

Above mentioned are just a few glimpses of the evolutionary journey of web development as this is a quite long journey. Many small and big achievements in this field have made it possible for users to interact with the websites. This journey of changes is ongoing as great evolutions in this field are yet to come. so the web builders and the users need to stay updated with this wide IT world.

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