Create Responsive e-Commerce Page Using Bootstrap

Ecommerce landing page design

Bootstrap is the most commonly used HTML, CSS, and JS framework that is used for designing responsive e-commerce product pages. It is the first choice for e-Commerce landing page design in India. The front-end developers can build fluid web pages quickly with the help of bootstrap. There is no need to learn a new language and hence, it is very easy to use. Many small business owners and new site designers make use of Bootstrap to create professional-looking pages.

Advantages of Bootstrap

  • There are very few cross-browser bugs.
  • It is lightweight and customizable.
  • It is a great grid system.
  • The style and structure are very responsive.
  • The consistent framework helps in supporting all the browsers.
  • It has good community support.
  • There are many free and professional templates and themes available.

Reasons to Use Bootstrap

  • It avoids repetitive actions and the code can be reused within a framework.
  • There are many pre-built grid options that give responsive design concepts.
  • Consistency can be created between developers.
  • It makes use of a mobile-first approach that helps in developing mobile-friendly websites.
  • The highly responsive 12 column grid system automatically adjusts according to the resolution of the device.
  • There are endless possibilities for customization as it is an open-source framework.

How to Use Bootstrap?

Using Grid-based Layout

Grid is the most basic component of bootstrap. It helps in defining the width that the HTML component will occupy on the page. The grid divides the screen into 12 equal columns that are occupied by the content elements. The grid is wrapped with either of the two-class viz container or non-container class that is present in an HTML element. The container class has a fixed width whereas the non-container class produces a full-width layout.

Selecting the Screen Size

It is important to take into consideration the different screen sizes while designing a responsive web page. The web page may have different states in which different screen sizes can be used.

Scaling the Content

It is important for the web page to scale as the screen sizes are different and it should look good on different screens. While designing the layout, it should be kept in mind that the content should not shrink to fit smaller screens. On the contrary, the content layout should change in order to accommodate the content.

Navigation Tabs

The Bootstrap makes use of CSS and JavaScript for a tabbed navigation solution that is easy to use. There are two parts of the markup of the tab navigation that represents actual tabs and tab panes. Each actual tab has a link inside and is displayed when the page is loaded. Each tab-pane has a class, role, and id and can contain any type of content. The tab works as soon as the JavaScript of Bootstrap starts working.

Bootstrap- An Ideal Choice

There are many efficient and advanced frameworks available for e-Commerce website layout in Ludhiana but Bootstraps remains the first choice of the developers. It has many state-of-the-art features and helps in accomplishing different tasks right from scratch. It is an ideal choice for developing responsive websites.

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