Leisure Time – A Day Out with Office Staff

One of the most important things to enjoy life is to spend leisure time. It has been more necessary to spend when you have a very hectic work life. It’s amazing to end the passing year and welcome the New Year with a celebration because such celebrations, not only give you a relaxed from the tiredness or passing year, but also boost up you with energy to achieve your work goals in the New Year. 

So this year we also plan a day out with the office staff for spending such quality time. So after discussion with the team, we finalize a lunch & movie plans on the last Saturday of the year. Everyone is so happy because it always to go and enjoy the fun moments with your team. So a day before outing we tell everyone about the timing of the movie and lunch timing to everyone. So on Saturday, everyone comes with excitement to the office and as we decided that we will leave the office at 12 PM, before that everyone was finishing their pending work. So, before 12 everyone off their systems and ready to go for the outing. At 12.30 PM we off for the pre-decide the location for the lunch and it was The Table restaurant in the Feroze Gandhi market. We reach their nearly 1 PM and ordered for the lunch and until lunch has been served gossips are started and there is big laughter on everyone’s face and also take some snaps of our group. Finally, lunch has been served and the look of food describes its taste and they seem as too delicious. So everyone started to eat and we realize food is even more delicious than it seems to be delicious. So we enjoy such super awesome food and nearly 2.30 PM we came out of the restaurant after enjoying such tasty food. 

In winter especially, when you eat your food, then your heart asks for tea because in winter food is incomplete without tea. So we decided to drink tea for that we saw a tea stall in the Feroze Gandhi market and like food that person give us a super tasty tea that makes our mood super awesome and also warm our hands in such cold afternoon.

Now we off to our next destination that is the SRS cinema in which we already booked the tickets for Good Newz, a movie show that is going to start at 2.55 PM.

The movie started and with that laughter’s are started too. A movie with the most hilarious story with superb acting by all the actors makes it a super enjoyable movie. In the movie break, We click pictures of all of us.

We enjoy the super awesome movie and 5.15 PM it came to an end and after that, we all; especially girls click many pictures outside the cinemas. At 5.30 PM everyone is off for their home from the SRS with happy hearts. So such outing not only gives us beautiful memories, but also refills energy in us for the next year.

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