Landing Page and it’s Importance in Growing the Business

In any business, it is very important to convert visitors into customers. It is important to create a relationship between the company and the customer and landing page work wonders in doing so. A landing page is useful in boosting the conversion rate during various campaigns. But, what exactly is landing page and how it is important in growing the business are some questions that have to be answered?

What is a Landing Page?

A page on the company’s website that offers a resource to the customer in exchange for their contact information is known as the landing page. It helps in converting the website visitors into customers. It is generally created for marketing and advertising of the campaign. When any visitor clicks a link sent on email or clicks ads on Google, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, or other similar pages, they land on this so-called “Landing Page”. The landing page is designed with a single focus which is called call to action or CTA. This focus on a specific goal helps the business to convert the visitors into potential customers.

Types of Landing Page

There are mainly two types of landing page:

Lead Generation Landing Pages

These pages use a form as their CTA that helps in collecting data of the visitors. These types of landing pages are commonly used by B2B marketers and companies who sell high-ticket items.

Click through Landing Pages

These are most commonly used by eCommerce and SaaS marketers. These pages go straight for subscription and have a single button as CTA which sends the customer directly to the checkout page.

Elements of Landing Page

There are five important elements of any landing page. These five elements form the design of the landing page. They are arranged in a sequential manner.

First Content

The first content of the landing page is called “Above-the-fold content” and is the first thing seen by the customer. It is the main element that attracts the attention of the customer. It should include the main headline, the supporting headline, an aesthetic component called the hero shot, and the benefit summary.

Call to Action or CTA

CTA is very important as it is what the company asks the visitors to do on the landing page. It should be simple, consistent, and straightforward. An easy to absorb CTA plays a vital role in generating leads. A colorful CTA that stands out from the rest of the page is sure to grab the attention of the visitor.


The visitors who goes through the page will obviously want to know the benefits of the product that the company is selling. It should be mentioned to the point which should be enough to convince the visitor to buy the product.

Social Proof

Today most people believe in the review of the product from customers who have already used it. So, testimonials from clients play a major role in attracting new customers. According to research, it has been found that testimonials help in increasing sales by 18%.

Thank you Page

A good landing page is convincing enough for the visitors to get converted into customers. But, a closing argument and a thank you note will surely clear all the doubts in the mind of the visitor and compel them to buy the product.

Importance of Landing Page

Generate Leads

The landing page holds an important position in generating leads and driving traffic to the website and get converted into customers.

Collect Demographic Information

Visitors need to fill a form in order to land on the landing page. The demographic information filled by the customer helps in understanding the new leads and help the team to have a more valuable conversation with them.

Track Data

The data can be tracked easily which helps in understanding the performance of the marketing offers and optimize the marketing process accordingly.

Remove Distractions

The landing page focuses only on the product that has to be promoted and all distractions like site maps, links, navigation options, etc. are removed.

Offer Clarity

As the landing page is short, it offers a clear focus to the customers on the specific product and helps to take decisions easily.

Research and Optimize

The landing page can be tested by using different colors, fonts, images, and other features to see what attracts the customer more. Thus, a thorough research helps in optimizing the page.

The Bottom Line

A good landing page can create wonders for the business. It is an indispensable part of marketing to generate leads and grow the business. So, it is very important to build a landing page in order to convert visitors into customers.

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