Comparison Between Templates and Custom-Built Websites

In this technological era, a website has become the face of the company. Websites play a very vital role in the success of any business. A customer usually visits the website first before dealing with the company. A good and attractive website layout is essential to attract more customers. But, the question arises that what should be chosen to create a website- templates or custom-built websites?

A website template is a pre-designed webpage that can be used by anyone to create a website. A custom-built website is a process in which a team is involved in creating a website and its content. Both the processes have their pros and cons and it is the company that has to decide what to use according to their needs, budgets, and goals.

Pros and Cons of Templates


  • With a template design, the layout that is shown on different services appears to be exactly the same when applied while creating the website. The colors and fonts can be changed but the layout remains the same.
  • As the layout is pre-defined, the website can be built quickly and in a low budget.
  • The person who is developing the website does not need to be a pro in coding, HTML, and CSS.


  • There are chances that other competitors may have used the same design for their websites.
  • Templates are not designed with keeping search engines in the mind and hence, there are many chances that it remains at the bottom in the search rankings.
  • Many templates have poor support and browser compatibility.

Pros and Cons of Custom-Built Websites


  • The website stands out from others and gives a competitive edge over other businesses due to its unique design.
  • The websites are search-engine friendly and have chances to rank higher in the search engine.
  • The company’s branding can be incorporated into the website.
  • The CMS makes it easier to update the site on a regular basis from anywhere.


  • The custom-built websites need a lot of expertise for creating and hence, it is important to select a good website development company for creating an effective website.
  • The website designer has to understand and do a thorough research of the company for whom the website has to be made.
  • It is expensive and time-consuming to create a custom web design.

Who Should use a template or custom-built website?

Every business has a different working pattern and requirements. If the company is low on budget and time, the template website is for them. If the person is unsure of their requirements, they can go ahead with the pre-defined templates and create the website.

The company who is concerned about their SEO rankings and have a good budget can invest in a custom-built website. The website may put a dent in the pocket but is effective for the long-term.


The decision to choose a template or custom-built design to create a website solely depends on the choice and budget of the company. But, it is important to keep in mind that a poorly-executed design will not work well. So, the website should be made attractive to grow the business and attract customers.

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