Choose Developers with Brilliant Minds and Ideas

Web development deals in the building and maintenance of websites. There are a lot of things that happen to make the website run successfully. The website needs to work fast and perform well without any glitch. The developers need to focus on the technicalities that are required to build a website.

There are three types of web development namely back end, front end, and full-stack web development. The main focus of backend developers is on data, modeling, and the back end of a website whereas frontend developers help in building what users interact and see. A full-stack developer works on some or all of the above.

In this article, we will discuss the front end and back end developers on the basis of different points.

What is Front End Development?

The front end development deals with all the things that a user visualizes in their application or browser. The developers are responsible to give a look and feel to the website. They are engaged in analyzing, designing, and debugging applications in order to give a seamless experience to the users.

What is Back End Development?

The back end development deals with the server-side of the development and focuses on the working of a website. The main function of the developer is to make updates and changes for the efficient working of the website. The people dealing with it are called web developers or programmers.

Programming Languages

The front end developers make use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript language. They focus on a grid system, layout, typography, and color theory. The developers make use of UX/UI principles that gives a seamless experience to the users.

The back end developers have to be well-versed with languages like PHP, Python, Node.js, Java, and Ruby. They also need to be experts in MySQL, SQL Server, and Oracle.


The front-end developers deal with the appearance and user-interface. They should have skills that help them to make use of designing tools like Sketch, Photoshop, and Figma. They should also know the basics of web hosting and buying a domain.

Critical thinking is the most important skill that a back end developer should possess. This enables them to take quick decisions and provide the user with an experience with fewer errors and bugs.


The front end jobs are for developers who have mastered a coding language and have different skills beyond the front end. The different jobs offered are front end developer, front end web designer, CSS/HTML developer, UI developer, front end SEO expert, and full stack developer.

The back end jobs are for people who have a strong knowledge of programming. The job profiles are back end developer, java developer, iOS developer, full-stack developer, and software engineer.

Choosing the Right Developer

Both front-end and back-end developers are in great demand and one with a strong portfolio gets a high-paying job. The selection of the developers depends on the requirement of your project. If you need a beautiful interface for the website, then the front-end developer should be the first choice else the back-end developers can also work wonders.

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