Benefits of WordPress Over Squarespace

It is very important to have a robust and well-established website for the growth of any business. It is very important to select the right website builder to make a smooth and efficient website. WordPress and Squarespace are the two most commonly used website builders with a totally different approach to building a website.

WordPress has two different versions namely hosted WordPress and self-hosted WordPress. In hosted WordPress, one needs to pay a monthly fee and can get access to many features required to build and maintain a website. In self-hosted WordPress, the user can install the software on their own web server that is freely available and can be customized according to the user.

Squarespace is a website builder in which the user has to pay a monthly fee and everything that is needed to build a website is provided as a part of it. Squarespace has a standard version and a developer’s version depending upon the skills of the developer.

Benefits of WordPress over Squarespace

Ease to build a website

In WordPress, the user needs to sign up for their own web hosting and purchase a domain. Then, the user needs to install WordPress and start building their website. It has a wide range of template choices. Although it is a bit difficult to use for beginners, they get used to its function very easily.

In Squarespace, the user has to sign up for a Squarespace account. After signing up, one can choose a template to start building the website. One can also customize the text and images. Although it is easy to use, the template choice is very limited.


In WordPress, there are a number of plug-ins available to make it a fully functional eCommerce store. There are no extra transaction charges.

The eCommerce support in Squarespace is very limited. There are only three payment gateways. It charges 2-3% transaction fees on credit cards.

Control of data

In WordPress, the user has 100% control over their files and data. It helps in exporting users and data that work with other management systems.

Squarespace allows a few contents like pages, text blocks, image blocks, comments, etc. to be exported in a .xml file. This shows that the user does not have full control of their website.

Control over the website’s functionality

In WordPress, there are thousands of plug-ins that help in enhancing functionality. One needs to download the plug-ins and start using it.

In Squarespace, the user can make changes from one single interface. The user can change content, add custom CSS, change design styles, and control the basic SEO settings.


WordPress has a free download and is open software. The cost of web hosting and domain name depends on the hosting provider. The minimum pricing to run the website is $2.75 per month.

The pricing plans of Squarespace are clearly defined. The cheapest plan starts at $96 per year and the most expensive is $480 per year.


It is clear that WordPress has an upper hand over Squarespace. The WordPress features are difficult to beat and have no comparison to any other website builder.

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