7 Upcoming Trends that can Bring a Big Change for the Food Delivery Industry in 2020 and Beyond

A Big Change For The Food Delivery Industry In 2020

The food delivery industry has captured a huge market share due to a sudden increase in the demand for takeaway and bizarre innovations. In fact, these days food mobility is the main trend of this industry that can change its present and future scenario. According to studies, there is a probability of a 65% hike in the demand for food mobility in the coming future. So it has become important for the food delivery players to keep the ever-changing customer demands and comfort on priority.

So to withstand the competition, it has become quite important for the food delivery providers to mind the latest food delivery trends and technological advancements. According to market experts, these newfound trends and technological advancements will cause a great change in the food delivery industry in the coming years. In this article, we have listed some hot food delivery trends that may change the future of this rapidly growing industry.

Latest Trends in Food Delivery Industry

Ordering food in a few clicks is the latest trend. There are many food delivery players like Swiggy, Zomato, UberEats, Grubhub who have a stronghold on the market. They are constantly facing competition from each other. To sustain in this competitive world, the delivery owners have to keep in mind the latest trends and technologies which will boost their market position. Some latest trends are:

Use of latest technology

In today’s technical era, working without any help from technology is a nightmare. So, the food delivery market is also making extensive use of modern technologies like mobile apps and online food ordering to increase their sale. There are many food-delivery apps that fulfill the customer’s demand with just a few clicks. People can order food easily by sitting at home or offices and satisfy their taste buds. People are more interested in ordering food from the quick-service restaurant. The restaurant owner also gains good returns from this and they are constantly introducing new ordering channels and delivery options.

Latest Technology

Latest Delivery Channels

Customers who have a poor experience of food delivery stops using food delivery apps and takeaways. Sometimes, the mobile app or website doesn’t work properly or the order is not customized properly. This hampers the business a lot. The food delivery channels should be simple so that the food ordering is made easy. There are some new channels introduced in the market to ease the ordering process.

  • Order by Tweet: This is a very unique way to order food. The person can order food using various emojis. The person needs to set an account and link it to their Twitter account. After following the proper instructions, the food can be ordered very easily through emojis.
Order by Tweet
  • Order via Virtual Assistant: The companies have started using virtual assistants like Alexa and Dom to help the customer to order food easily.
Order via Virtual Assistant
  • Order with SmartWatch: Usage of smartwatches has increased tremendously and so, many food companies have collaborated with Android and Apple smart devices for easy food ordering. So, customers can order food from their wrist in a few clicks.
Order by Smart watch
  • Order with a smart TV: Many smart TVs like Apple and Samsung have apps that provide various food delivery options from different restaurants and delivery companies. One can relax in front of the TV and order their favorite food.
Order with a smart TV
  • Order from car: Some companies like Pizza Hut has collaborated with Accenture and Visa to create an in-car ordering system. This allows the customer to order food by voice.
Order from Car

Modern Delivery Options

The companies are looking for modern delivery options to limit the labor cost and speed up their delivery. Some latest options are:

  • Delivery with robots: Some companies have introduced moving pavement droids to deliver food. They use GPS signals and a camera to navigate. Some use autonomous delivery robots who use cameras, Lidar sensors, and high-resolution 3D city maps to deliver food.
Delivery with robots
  • Delivery with drones: The use of drones to deliver food has become one of the latest trends. They help in faster food delivery as they can avoid traffic congestion and traffic lights. Thus, it reduces delivery time and distance.
Delivery with drones
  • Delivery with Parachutes: The customer is asked to wait at the drop-off location with an X-marked at the given time to catch their orders from parachutes. This delivery is very entertaining for customers.
Delivery with Parachutes

Embracing New Niches

Many food delivery companies are finding unique ways to satisfy their customers. New niches like fighting food waste, pet food, and virtual kitchen are gaining tremendous popularity and hence, the companies are focusing on them.

  • Food waste app: The food wastage is very common worldwide. The food-waste app helps in tackling the problem of food wastage and thus, contributing to saving the planet. The restaurants and grocery stores can get rid of their leftovers and supply food to needy people by using this app.
Food waste app
  • Pet-food apps: The pet industry is huge and many people buy food online for their pets. Home delivery of pet food is very common as it is very convenient and customizable. One can also schedule for repeat deliveries.
Pet-food apps
  • Apps with virtual kitchen: The companies like UberEats are serving restaurants by providing convenience to partnering restaurants to use their kitchen area to make more meals. This has helped in avoiding the high cost required to open a new space.
Apps with virtual kitchen
Woman cooking with virtual reality glasses

Advertisements Services

Advertisements and promotions play a major role in the success of any company. The companies are finding unique and funny ways to promote their food offerings. Customer can use their cameras to see burgers, pizza, and other food floating into their mouths. This feature is available on Facebook Messenger.

Big Data

The food delivery companies are running successfully by using big data. They collect various data that helps them to effectively deliver the food and understand their customers better. The data like traffic on roads, customer purchase history, the impact of market trends on stock consumption, the impact of temperature on food, reviews on social media, posts by customers, and company’s response to complaints are thoroughly studied and implementations are made accordingly to provide the best service.

Crypto Food Orders

Cryptocurrencies are the latest trend in the food delivery market. Hence, the company has introduced crypto food orders that accept cryptocurrencies. This helps the companies to eliminate fraud activities. This also helps in enhancing the food ordering experience.


Foody nature of people will never stop the food industry from growing. But it is very important to give good facilities to the customers. With the availability of modern technologies, one can surely enhance its service and hold a strong position in the market.

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